Water Cleaning Stages with VUOXA BIO 321 Filter:
- Sediment Cartridge PP 5 – 10SL — removes insoluble particles up to 5 microns (rust, suspensions).
- VUOXA-2 BIO — removes dissolved iron, heavy metals, radionuclides, reduces water hardness (guarantee of no scale on heating devices). 100% removal of bacteria and viruses.
- MMB – 10SL / Fiber Pro – 10SL — cartridges made of carbon fiber. Resource up to 10,000 liters. Used only by VUOXA. Self-indication feature – the filter itself indicates when it is time to replace cartridges (reduced water pressure at the clean water tap).
Cartridge replacement frequency: on average once every 12 months.
Efficiency of removing major impurities:
- Suspended impurities (rust, sand, algae, other particles) larger than 0.05 μm: 100%
- Heavy and radioactive metals (lead, cadmium, copper, strontium-90, cesium): up to 99%
- Active chlorine: up to 96%
- Organic compounds: up to 92%
- Hardness salts: up to 85%
- Microorganisms and Escherichia coli: 100%
- Hepatitis A virus, rotaviruses, and noroviruses: up to 100%